When choosing traffic marking paint for roadways, parking lots, walkways, and more, it's imperative for local and state agencies to select a paint that can withstand heavy traffic and harsh weather conditions. The ideal option will offer long-term adhesion and visibility with low maintenance concerns to minimize traffic disruption and effectively maintain public safety.
Health Risks of Coal Tar Driveway Sealers – PAHs 101
Posted on Oct 17, 2022 9:30:59 AM by Aexcel
Health Risks of Coal Tar Driveway Sealers – PAHs 101
Coal tar sealants and asphalt emulsions are thick, black protective substances for coating asphalt parking lots, playgrounds, and driveways. While they help seal and preserve such surfaces, they also contain various chemicals that, when released into the environment, may cause health and ecological issues. Fortunately, homeowners have BioSEALSAFE™ as a safer option to resurface driveways. Learn what makes BioSEALSAFE™ a superior alternative.
Our Sustainable Asphalt Resurfacer Available On Lowes.com
Posted on Jun 14, 2022 8:00:00 AM by Aexcel
We are offering our eco-friendly asphalt resurfacer to customers online through a partnership with Lowe’s. BioSealSafe™ is the safer way to rejuvenate and seal your driveway. Stop using outdated dangerous chemicals to seal your driveway. Protect your driveway and your family with BioSealSafe™.
Using Our Sustainable Asphalt Sealer For Your Driveway
Posted on Mar 10, 2022 8:30:00 AM by Aexcel
BioSealcoat® is a safer way to rejuvenate and seal your driveway. It will retain a jet-black appearance longer and keep it strong. Even in rough weather conditions, our eco-friendly sealer has remained effective in maintaining driveways.
How to Choose the Right Asphalt Sealcoat I Aexcel Corp.
Posted on Dec 27, 2017 10:10:45 AM by Aexcel
Adding an asphalt sealcoat to your pavement preservation plan will help prolong the life of your asphalt. With dozens of sealcoat products out there, choosing the right sealer for your parking lot or driveway can be difficult. While weighing your options, consider the following factors:
Sustainable Paint Options I Aexcel
Posted on Nov 20, 2017 9:04:00 AM by Aexcel
Painters have no shortage of traffic paint options when it’s time to repaint roads, parking lots, and other paved surfaces. With sustainability making its way into the public conscious, organizations and municipalities are looking for more sustainable paint options than traditional solvent or waterborne traffic paints.
The Best Products for Sealcoating Asphalt
Posted on Oct 26, 2017 2:51:00 PM by Aexcel
Your organization decided to commit to a planned preventative maintenance program for your asphalt parking lot. This entails crack filling, patching, and sealcoating your asphalt once every couple years to prevent asphalt oxidation and keep your parking lot looking new. You put the project out for bid and receive several quotes, each uses a different type of asphalt sealer. A handful call for coal tar sealers, a few plan on using asphalt emulsion-based products, and one calls for BioSealcoat®, a sustainable sealcoat made from soybean oil. Which is the best for sealcoating your asphalt?
What Are the Options for Parking Lot Sealcoating?
Posted on Sep 18, 2017 11:07:00 AM by Aexcel
Parking lot sealcoating a key cog in any pavement maintenance program. The right asphalt sealcoat product prevents harmful substances like gasoline, oil, water, and damaging UV rays from wreaking havoc on the underlying asphalt substrate. But which sealcoat is right for your parking lot?
Sustainable Parking Lot Sealcoating & Striping Paint I Aexcel
Posted on Aug 22, 2017 8:18:00 AM by Aexcel
This July, public officials from around the Midwest came together at the City of Hutchinson’s Parade of Roads event. Hosted by the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute and the Minnesota Soybean Research & Promotion Council, the event highlighted agriculture-based road preservation agents and maintenance materials.
How to Choose the Best Traffic Paint I Aexcel Corp.
Posted on Jul 19, 2017 9:13:00 AM by Aexcel
The stripes in your parking lot have seen better days and if you wait much longer, visitors won’t be able to tell where one parking stall ends and another begins. Decades ago, there would only be one or two choices for the type of traffic paint used to stripe parking lots. Today, however, competition and innovation have given way to a multitude of line striping paints specifically formulated for different weather, vehicle traffic intensity, and regulatory environments. What type of paint is right for you? Considering these factors will help you choose the best traffic paint for your needs.